Wednesday HodgePodge

1. Expect the unexpected on From This Side of the Pond. Here's my x-ray question...when was the last time you felt like Superman? What's your superpower? Explain.

Superpower?  What's that?  Though this virus has been testing me, and I have found wells of strength I didn't know I had.

2. Are you a fan of the 'superhero' type movies? If so what's your favorite?

I am so looking forward to the next Wonder Woman movie, Gal Gadot is a great Wonder Woman.  I love the Avengers and the X-Men (yes, I got an X word in!).  Loved Aquaman.

But my absolute favorite?  Christopher Reeve in Superman.   Here's the helicopter sequence, where Lois Lane first meets Superman.  I love the look on Clark Kent's face when he sees the 1970's style "phone booth".  Can't help but wonder what his Superman would think of our cell phone world.

3. Have you postponed or cancelled a trip to the dentist in recent weeks, and if so when do you think you'll feel comfortable going back? How about other routine medical procedures? 

I haven't had to cancel a dental appointment yet.  In fact, I think I may need to go to the dentist soon, I have a tooth that hurts when I eat food that's very hot or very cold.

I did have a tele-medicine appointment with one of my doctors.  It was weird but I could get used to it.

I'll trust my doctors to determine when it's safe to see patients in their offices again.  

4. What's something that makes you feel youthful? Something that makes you feel 'not so youthful'? Tell us why. 

I feel young when I watch old movies and TV shows, when I listen to the music from my high school and college years...

I feel old when I hear the music my kids listened to in middle school and high school, and realize that my younger daughter graduated from high school ten years ago.

5. I feel compelled to include some sort of corona related question in the HP these days. What's the strangest thing you've seen in relation to the virus? Something that really struck you as odd, made you stop and think, 'Dorothy we're not in Kansas anymore?'

So much has changed.  Walking around wearing a face mask is now not only socially acceptable, but actually mandatory in some places.  Empty store shelves in the supposedly richest country in the world.   Lines for the ER.   Lines for food banks.  But the "we're not in Kansas" moment was that the telethons (and there are always telethons for  a difficult situation) include celebrities performing from  their own living rooms instead of on a stage.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I was on the phone last week with a new business associate, and I found out his daughter currently attends the high school that my girls went to. And she's on the dance team; Becca was on dance for two years, and Jen was a cheerleader.  So he sent me photos of the dance team and his daughter, and I sent him photos from when my girls were students there.

Here is one of my favorite photos from that era. Homecoming 2006. Becca was a freshman, Jen a junior.


  1. Everyone has a superpower. But like Bruce Willis' character in Unbreakable, you might not be aware of it because it is normal for you.

    One of my superpowers (I have a couple) is electronics. I can make them work. (You know how some people can't get things to work. Mine is the opposite of that.) It's not foolproof. It doesn't work 100% of the time. But I have been known to hover over kiddos at school when their computers are being funny, not because I distrust the kiddo, but because I know that by standing there, my presence will get the computer to work. And 9 times out of 10, it does.


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