Sunday stealing

1.   Did you become what you wanted to be when you grew up? Are you happy with your choice?

10th grade Social Studies.  European history.  Our teacher decided to have a special project:  the trial of Napoleon Bonaparte.  Each student had a role -- one boy was Napoleon, one girl was Josephine,  other students were the people of France, jurors, etc.  I was one of two students appointed to be Napoleon's lawyers.  We won the case.  My fate was set.

2.    Did man really go to the moon or was it a publicity stunt?

I am not a member of the tin foil hat club.  I believe in science.  Though the truth is,  science is reality whether or not you believe.  

I've been to the Kennedy Space Center.  Those rockets are amazing.

3.    Given the opportunity to change one major aspect of your life (i.e. career, relationship, family) with no guarantee of the outcome, would you take the chance? Why?

I don't like time travel, it gives me a headache...

Messing with the past never brings about a good result. I think I'll leave well enough alone.

4.    Does money buy happiness?

Intangibles such as love and happiness cannot be bought.  On the other hand, it's easier to be happy when you don't have to worry about putting a roof over your head and food on the the table. 

5.    What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

I grab my iPad to see what's happening in the world.

6.    What are we going to do when we run out of room to bury the dead?

Soylent green is people....

That was a very weird response.  As a practical matter, cremation is probably in our future.

7.    What is your greatest fear? Why? Is it rational or unreasonable?

Today is  not a good day for me to confront my fears....

8.    How do you feel about the exploitation of your private data in the digital age? Does it ever cross your mind or are you hyper-aware of the risks?

I'm somewhere in between. Not 100% comfortable but not hyper vigilant either.

9.    You can be forgiven one debt. What is it? If you don’t have debt, then how did you do it?

I still owe $$ on my Parent Plus loans from when my daughters went to college.  I don't regret  borrowing the money, but if someone would care to pay it off for me I would not complain.

10.    Hot or cold?

Interesting question, and I am sure you will see a variety of interpretations and responses.  

I prefer hot weather, and I am looking forward ot the summer.

11.    What is your favorite thing in the world (aside from family, friends, pets)?

Oh to answer that one...

Today I will say music. Ask me tomorrow and the answer might be different.

12.    You have to give up one of your five senses. Which one would you go without?

No, no, college I participated in an awareness program, I had to walk around campus wearing a blindfold to simulate actually being blind...I lasted an hour.  Don't ask me to choose....

13.    Do you believe everyone has a doppelgänger?

Well, maybe not everyone, cousin Vivian passed away a few years ago. Her sister Janet posted a photo on Facebook not too long ago, it was a woman who looked exactly like Vivian.

14.    Likewise, does everyone have a soulmate or is it just a matter of proximity and circumstance?

I'm still trying to figure that one out.

15.    Imagine you have a theme song that plays every time you enter a room. What would your song be?

My name is every time I walk into the room, you will hear this song:


  1. You would really hate the sensory exercise we did at the nursing home to make staff more sympathetic to dementia. You had vision issues, physical limitations, and quite possibly some other impairment. That was tough and it really did open everyone's eyes to why the residents might respond the way they do to some things.

  2. Oh your song is perfect and I love that one.
    I agree with you on #12! We get that question every so often. I don't like it. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  3. For #12, I used to work with someone who lost his vision (it was never good to begin with, and he lost it all due to a stroke) and had to retire. Some years later, he also started to lose his hearing. I saw him at a retirement party last year and we got to talking - he still has some hearing, and told me the hearing loss impacted him more than the vision loss did, especially as he had to become even more dependent on hearing after losing his sight. It was - no pun intended - an eye opener. Alana

  4. Great answer to #4.

    Have you seen the doc on the flat earthers? It's on Netflix. It was fascinating how they used science but then ignored it when it didn't give them the results they wanted. There was this interesting disconnect.

    1. Missed that. But flat earth era, anti vaxxers, Covid is a hoax folks are really getting on my nerves lately

  5. Hi Songbird,

    I'm a lover of science too - and I've been to the Kennedy Space Centre. I loved it.

    Rockin' Robin - very apt.




  6. You are absolutely right! In this pandemic, I want to be lead by the president from Independence Day. Instead, we have the stars from Dumb and Dumber. We can't vote the orange clown out soon enough!

    1. Don’t get me started on the covidiots who think this is all a conspiracy to deprive them of their constitutional rights, who don’t understand that they have fewer cases of the virus because they are quarantined, who think that we can all successfully sue the mayors and governors for executing their lawful authority, who ignore science and history and listen to the conspiracy theories of the talking heads, and who think the Orange Wonder is doing a bang-up job...


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