Traffic Jam!

 One thing about going to a Ducks game … the ballpark does not have its own parking lot.  You park in the lot for the county courthouse and walk.  It’s not far, you just have to walk down the path between the fire museum and the duck pond.

Well, today there was a traffic jam at the pond.



I think they were headed to the ballpark.  Wondering if they are hoping for the “friends and family” discount.

Anyhow, there was a major tragedy at the ballpark.

Alas, poor flip flop… and they were an expensive pair, authentic Crocs. 

There was almost a brawl, both teams came out of their respective dugouts ready to fight.  The umpires managed to get everyone under control.

Someone in the stands had a balloon.  They let go of it halfway through the game, and we all watched it sail away over the centerfield billboard.

And should I mention the three idiots at the game?    Play had to be stopped in the middle of an inning while three teenagers ran from left field to right field.   Two of them were stopped by security as soon as they climbed back into the stands.  The third was last seen heading for the ballpark exit …

The mas it, Quackerjack, was in fine form.


And yes, there was an actual baseball game,


Unfortunately the Ducks lost.   But we still had fun.  Even got to see fireworks again.


  1. The area around where the Ducks play looks present but I wouldn't want to deal with a Canada Goose traffic jam. Have enough of that here at home. Speaking of which -what a difference 20 years makes. We used to love our minor league 4th of July games. Now, it's...meh. We'll stay at home and watch the Capital 4th on PBS. Alana

  2. Hey, you had a good time.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Oh man, the Canadian geese around here have been a trip. I had to yell at one on Friday so it wouldn't attack the dog. It really wanted to attack the dog. The game sounds exciting for all the wrong reasons. But at least it kept you entertained.


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