Music Monday

 OMG have you heard the news?  The Boss is going on tour in the spring, and he’s doing at least four shows in the NYC area!

But then, what do you expect from a Jersey boy?

Of course we hope to get tickets.

But in the meantime, let’s play some of his music.







  1. Robin,

    It's nice to start the week off with a little Boss. You had me dancing in
    my chair with the first song. :) I hope you get to see him in concert. That should be a lot of fun! Have a boogietastic week, my friend!

  2. It sure would be interesting to see The Boss in concert. I have to admit that I run hot and cold on him - some songs I love and some I hate. You picked mostly "loves". I knew them all except Brilliant Disguise. Alana

  3. Ilove the Boss and today i did a MMMM I did 3 Bee Gees Tunes from the early days!

  4. Oh I hope you can get tickets!!! I love Bruce Springsteen. I think my favourite of his is "I'm On Fire"'s sultry and sexy! I love the video for Dancin' in the Dark, because I get to see a fresh young Courtney Cox in the video! There's a scene in the first Home Alone movie, where the pizza delivery kid is driving to the house and for just a snippet of a second, you can hear that he was playing Dancin' In The Dark on the radio! ☺♥


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