Another this and that

 So reality is setting in.  My children, who not that very long ago were packing their bags and heading to college, are now thirty-something’s with lives of their own.  I feel old.

It’s hard to keep up with their comings and goings.  Once upon a time I ran “mom’s taxi”, but now …

Although Jen does occasionally ask for a ride to/from the airport, so I guess I’m now “mom’s Uber”.

I had a weird conversation with Jen the last time I drove her to the airport, about two weeks ago.  We were talking about Redford, the family cat.  You remember Redford.


Redford adopted my family in 2011.  At the time he was a full-grown tomcat, an obviously abandoned pet.  He somehow found his way to our yard and endeared himself to our family.  Once you feed them, they never leave.

Well, as I said, Redford came to us as an adult cat, so we really don’t know how old he is.  The vet estimated he was between 2 and 4 years old when he joined our family.  That would make him between 13 and 15 now.

Jen prefers to think of him as 13 years old … because Mr. Kitty, Daisy and Maggie died at 16 and Felix died at 17.  I had to remind her that Cinders made it to 20.  


And then I read Pawkisses From Heaven.  Ann blogged in the voice of her cat, Little Binky.  Unfortunately she had to put the cat down last week.  She wrote about the event so eloquently.  I cried.  Literally.  

A friend has asked me to take care of her cat for a couple of days while she’s visiting her son in New Hampshire.  I just have to go to her house and make sure the cat has food and water.  Not a problem.

And then she mentioned that she’s thinking of getting a kitten.  A friend of hers fosters kittens, and will have a litter that’s adoptable sometime in August.  And then she asked “Weren’t you thinking of getting a kitten?”

Well, I love Miss Duchess Cat.  

But let’s be honest, Duchess is Drew’s cat and lives in Drew’s house.  A kitten would be my baby …

Let me think about it …


  1. Uh oh... Is it time for another kitten? It sounds like it.

  2. Hmmm. I think you already know what will be entering your life real soon. I'll be waiting for your first "new kitten" post.

  3. Blogger has been freezing up on me, and it froze in the middle of my comment, so I'll just add that Bookworm is Alana at ramblinwitham.


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