Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. How young is young? In the past, according to various organizations who decide these things, age 60 was the 'border age' to old. The World Health Organization has done new research recently and divided up the categories as-0-17 (underage), 18-65 (youth or young people), 66-79 (middle-aged), 80-99 (elderly senior), 100+ (long-lived elderly). Your thoughts on this particular breakdown, and also your thoughts as to where you land?

Hmm. I think there should be more categories.  Specifically a 40-65 category, there's a huge difference between18 and 65.  

2. TIME magazine has declared Elon Musk person of the year in 2021. What say you? If you want to know more about how they choose you'll find that info in the link here. If you were choosing, who would be your person of the year? 

I'd pick Ken Jennings and Mayim Bialik; in the competition to replace Alex Trebek, they came out on top.

3. I read here ten habits of extremely likable people which include-they greet the world with a smile on their face, they ask questions, they're consistent, they put the phone away, they remember names and use them, they keep an open mind and don't pass judgement, they're authentic, they're kind and generous, accountable for their mistakes, and they send thank you notes.  

So, are you likable-lol? Which one of these habits could use some further developing in your own life? What is one habit/quality you'd add to the list? 

My phone habits are very sloppy, I need to put it away more often.

4. One non-holiday related task/job/goal/dream on your to-do list that you hope/plan to make happen before the new year rolls in? 

I need to get some financial papers in order.

5. Share with us some of your holiday plans. 

Going out with friends on Christmas Eve, we're headed to the Melting Pot.  Christmas Day means Chinese food and a movie.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

It's December 15...the year has flown by so fast!


  1. That was my first thought about the ages! I teach 18 year olds and they are babies, even to me!

  2. I shared the age breakdown with a group of co-workers at lunch. I personally like it because it makes me young at 63 BUT . . .it does seem like a large spread of people between 18 and 65.

  3. I too am going to have to work on putting my phone away. I haven't been to the Melting Pot in forever, but I do love it when I can dip my whole meal in cheese :) Have a great holiday!

  4. Enjoy your Christmas Eve at the Melting Pot!

  5. No kidding. A student was practicing writing checks today, and as the date on it was January, I had her write the year as 2022, and it just felt wrong. I don't think I've even felt 2021.


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