Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. When it comes to gift giving are you more of a 'create something from scratch' or a 'buy something in a shop' kind of giver? Tell about a favorite homemade gift you've given or one you've received. 

I'm a shopper, not a crafter.  

The best homemade gift I ever got was a needlepoint my aunt made.  She made it when my daughter Jen was born, and included Jen's date of birth and birth weight in the design.   Jen still has it in her room.  Unfortunately my aunt passed away before Becca was born, so she doesn't have a personalized needlepoint, though I did give her one of my aunt's other creations.

2. Do you have the 'gift of gab'? Is that a blessing or a curse? 

Some people think I talk too much.  Sometimes I tend to babble.

3. What's something you have going on that you need/want to 'wrap up' this month? 

Just some business matters, nothing interesting.

4. A food you love that is 'wrapped' in some way?

The Chinese restaurant serves a dish, it's Peking beef wrapped in a pancake.  We call it a Chinese burrito.

5. December is upon us...share something here (quote, verse, poem, song lyric, your own thoughts) related to the word hope. 

I am quite a dreamer. I think we all are dreamers. We all don't like to live a practical life all the time. There is a thin line between our hopes and dreams. - Rani Mukerji

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Where did the year go?  I can't believe it's December already.


  1. How sad that Becca never got to meet your aunt. But that sounds like a wonderful gift.


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