Music Monday

 And we are requested to play holiday tunes this month.

A week ago Becca, my daughter-who-lives-in-Manhattan, tweeted that she wished people would stop romanticizing Christmas in NYC. She works on West 49th, right near Rockefeller Center, and has three weeks of horrific crowds to deal with.  According to her, Christmas in NYC isn’t magical …

The other day her tone changed.  Covid is surging, shows are shutting down, and New Yorkers are valiantly trying to maintain the magic of Christmas. She wished for normalcy to return, crowds and all.

I am trying to keep my spirits up.

So today I play songs about Christmas in NYC.

"Silver Bells" was introduced in a movie called The Lemon Drop Kid, based on a Damon Runyan story.  It's a comedy, a tale about the gamblers who inhabited NYC.  (Yes, Runyon is also responsible for the characters who inhabit Guys and Dolls.) And Bob Hope was the person chosen to sing the song.

You have to include the Rockettes, of course. NYC without the Rockettes is unthinkable.

Though I dare say the unthinkable happened …as of Saturday the Rockettes have canceled the rest of their season due to COVID …


Lea Michelle has a great take on the city in normal times.


And of course there's Rob Thomas.  A song that he first recorded almost 20 years ago, when the city was recovering from 9/11, but now addresses a different kind of pain.


And let’s not forget Darlene Love.  She does a Christmas concert in NYC every year.  Her appearances on Letterman were legendary.  

Given that we’ve lost so many of our stars from the 60’s recently,  Drew and I are determined to see our favorites whenever we can.  So of course we bought tickets for Darlene Love’s concert at Town Hall December 18.  Though after she canceled her performance on The View earlier in the week due to COVID, we were concerned the concert would be shut down, too.

Fortunately it was not canceled.


 We were among the fortunate ones who got to do the (socially distanced) meet and greet before the show.
She looks great for an 80 year old, and can still put on a great show.


So let’s play a few of her hits.



And bonus hit, fan video from Town Hall…



  1. Darlene Love? THE Darlene Love? (Wow. And yes, she looks 20 years younger than she is.) The Darlene Love who also sang Christmastime for the Jews? I was so thrilled (as much as I was saddened by Saturday's Saturday Night Live) that they rebroadcast that classic video. You've given us an all-star set for a suddenly sad holiday season in NYC. Alana

    1. Yes, that Darlene Love. In good voice and stiletto heels.

  2. Yes, I do romanticize Christmas in NYC- the tree, ice skating, Dyker Heights in Brooklyn's lights , the decorated windows. I love it all. And I love the Rob Thomas song too. :) Have a Merry Christmas.

  3. A lot of fun watching the Rockettes! Thanks for sharing some great videos.

  4. I forgot about Silver Bells.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Nice tunes, especially the first one and the Rob Thomas!

  6. Looks like a wonderful time. Very cool songs. Merry Christmas.

  7. Robin,

    We don't know how good we have things until it's taken from us. It takes a turn of events to force our eyes wide open to see how wonderful life in our world truly is even with its imperfections. I pray for normalcy in our routines return soon.

    I don't have time to listen to your music tonight but I'll come over tomorrow to enjoy your selections. Thanks for being apart of the 4M dance party this week, darlin'.

  8. Great mewsic, Songbirdie, we especially loved Rob Thomas😸Pawkisses for a Joyful Christmastime🎅🎄✨🐾😽💞


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