The things you wish you didn’t know

The other day I drove past my children’s pediatrician’s office.  Or rather, where his office used to be.

I blogged about him last year: Dr. G.

I think he’s teaching high school biology now.



  1. My last two doctors here in NH are now no longer practicing. The first a young promising man became a drug addict and was writing prescriptions to himself. So, so sad. Truly, he was gifted in family practice.
    The next doctor was being divorced by his wife of 30 years and started drinking. Caught twice in one month for DWI as he was leaving his office.
    My doctor now is through the VA. She is young and a very straight arrow. I like her.

  2. It is so sad when you think of how many people in their 20's and 30's have been taken through opiod addiction, and then you find out something like this. There but for the grace....Alana

  3. I read the link, and it amazing what people hide or we thought was going on in there live.
    I new couple professional people he was lawyer and she was accountant, both herion addict
    Coffee is on

  4. Just shows we don't see other people's pain. We only see what they try to show the world.


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