exciting start to a Monday morning

Working in Manhattan is many things, but "boring" isn't one of them.

Seen on Water Street this morning:

The signs and banners all read "USA 1 The Morning Show". 

I googled it, but couldn't find any information.  But then again, there are so many movies and TV shows filmed in NYC,  so coming across a film shoot is really not a major news story.

Law and Order used to do a lot of filming on location in the city.  It  was always interesting to see places I knew when I was watching that show, but it was a royal pain to get to court when the show was filming on the steps of the courthouse.  One time I saw them filming Sam Waterston and  Steven Hill coming out of a restaurant -- that was really interesting.

Anyhow, if I hear anything else about today's happenings on Water Street, I will be sure to let you all know.


  1. If you have time show us more of walter street.
    Coffee is on

  2. It's always kind of weird to recognize locations on a TV show. It happens around here sometimes, too.


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