He caved

Donald's Trump, Mr. "Art of the Deal" never learned to negotiate to the "win-win".  His style is that of a bully, where he must win and you must lose.  And he doesn't care how much damage he leaves in his wake.  And if he cannot win, he throws a tantrum,  picks up his toys, and goes home.

Well, he was just schooled by Nancy Pelosi.  He had two years of a fully-Republican controlled Congress ot build his wall, but didn't.  Now that the Democrats control the House, the wall has suddenly become a "national emergency.'  He shut down the government in an effort to force Speaker Pelosi to kowtow to his needs.

She didn't.

We have now endured the longest shutdown of the federal government in history.  He reached the point where it was painfully obvious he wasn't going to get his way.  the point where, in a real estate deal, he's pick up his toys and go home.

But you can't walk away when you are the President.

He caved.

Nancy Pelosi is my hero.


  1. I wish people would stop saying he caved. Because the deal is only to open the government for three weeks. As long as he feels like this is a loss, that he caved, he's going to want to save face somewhere down the road. The more gleeful we are, the more I fear he's going to make things uglier later. Just so he can have a "win".

    I'm afraid of what he's planning on doing in three weeks.

  2. Read this, Liz. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/01/airport-shutdowns-force-trump-to-reopen-the-government.html?utm_medium=s1&utm_source=fb&utm_campaign=nym He will not shut down the government in three weeks, it would be disastrous for him. His threat to declare an emergency won’t survive a court challenge. This is the point in a negotiation where he usually packs up his toys and goes home. Which is fine when you’re negotiating a real estate deal to build a restaurant at Jones Beach (and thank G-d he didn’t ruin that place for the est of us). but doesn’t work when you’re the POTUS. He’s stuck between a rock and a hard place.


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