another this and that

"another this and that"....

Where have I heard that phrase before? Oh, yeah.  In Man of La Mancha, Sancho sings, "A little gossip, a little chat, a little idle talk of this and that..." Yeah, I'm definitely a fan of Broadway musicals...

Head Over Heels closed last week.  Drew and I really enjoyed that show, sad to see it go. 

A lot of Broadway shows close in January.  People just don't want to go to the theater when it'scold and miserable outside, and everyone is exhausted (not to mention, broke) from the holidays. (This morning I saw three dead pine trees on the sidewalk, waiting for the sanitation department pickup.  Yes, the holdiays are truly over.)

But Planet Fitness has been hopping lately.  I can't believe how busy they are!    It'll quiet down in a few weeks, as people start to break their New Year's resolutions. 

Most of the Planet Fitness regulars are in their 20's, I'd guess, but I do see people who are around my age as well.  One day last week, a woman approached me in the stretch room.  She wanted to know where I bought my yoga strap, and asked if it really helped me stretch, because she really needs  to work on her arthritic knees...

But speaking of New Year's resolutions...I'm down 5.3 pounds since January 2.  Feels good.  I hope I can sustain the momentum.    Next month will be difficult, with both Drew's birthday and my own, but I am determined t stay on track. 


  1. Yes, the holidays are truly over. It's interesting how you get to see the upswing and trickling away of the gym goers.


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