Wednesday HodgePodge

This week's questions from Joyce.

1. What's something in your house you'd like to get rid of but can't?

The clutter.  It seems to breed, to multiply, to grow....

2. When is the last time you experienced a sense of nostalgia? Elaborate.

Interesting question.  I've had two moments recently.

I graduated from high school in 1978.  Right now my classmates are planning a 40th reunion.  I can't go to the reunion, but I did join a Facebook group.  And my classmates are all posting pictures from our yearbook and from other high school events.

And another, very different moment.  My younger daughter turned 26 on Sunday, and I kept thinking about the day she was born, and what life was like when she was a baby.

3. You're only allowed three apps on your smart phone or tablet...which three do you keep?

Oh my, you are cruel!  OK then, my three apps are Facebook, Fitbit and Newsday.

4. July 11th is National Blueberry Muffin Day. Who knew? Do you like blueberry muffins? If you were going to have a muffin would blueberry be your choice? What's the last thing you baked?

I like blueberry muffins.  They're not my favorite -- that would be chocolate chip -- but blueberry comes in a close second.

Baking isn't one of my strongest skills.  I can tell you where all the good bakeries are, but as for baking something myself...well, the last thing I  baked was probably from a mix.

5. What's the biggest way you've changed since you were a child? In what way are you still the same?

This question requires too much introspection for a hot summer day.
6. Insert your own random thought here.

We're going to a baseball game tonight.  Yes, again.  Tonight we are seeing the All Star Game for the Atlantic League.  Liberty Division vs. Freedom Division.   And fireworks after the game. It's something a little different from our usual, and should be fun.


  1. I understand about the clutter. Get it cleaned up and it's back.

    Have a great day!

  2. I had nearly the same experience on Facebook when my high school class was gearing up for it's 30-year reunion. Many of us were new to Facebook and it was great to connect with old friends and surprising to me, was that I ended up talking more to people I wasn't friends with in school than to the ones I was friends with and those are the people I continue to keep up with. We also found that even though everyone was excited about getting back in touch and talked (a great deal) about what a good idea a reunion was, the reality was something different. Out of a class of over 360, only 20 of us showed up for the Friday night get-together and they may have had 45 or so at the Saturday night dinner...and that included spouses! With Facebook we can all keep in touch and know all about each other's lives, we don't need reunions for that. I hope your reunion goes much better.

  3. Clutter ... ack. I wish it would just stay away.

    Hope you have a lovely time at the baseball game. Enjoy the fireworks! That sounds like a lot of fun.

  4. I hope to get to a ball game this summer too. Our calendar is packed, but we will try to find a night that works. Have fun!

  5. I graduated in 1988, so we should be having our 30th year reunion; however, I haven't heard anything about it. I have a sneaky suspicion that nobody wants to organize it. There were only 18 of us in my graduating class, and we all lead pretty busy lives. I'm sad because I didn't make it to my ten-year reunion. There wasn't a 20-year.

  6. She ask some pretty tough question which I like.
    Coffee is on

  7. Ah yes, clutter. I know of this beast. I just got rid of my pile of catalogs. I know they'll be back, though.

  8. my favorite muffin flavor is cinnamon my kids most likely would have sided more with you and said chocolate chip.
    come see the rest of our answers at


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