Ch ch ch changes



It's true....

Starting August 27 I’ll be commuting to lower Manhattan again.

Four years ago, when I first started working for my current employer, I was assigned to a client located in lower Manhattan.  For about a year or so I worked in the client's NYC office. 

Later, I moved to my employer's office on Long Island, and accessed the client's server, software, etc., remotely.

 Then last year, I was asked to work on a different account.  The new account has been challenging, but I love it.

A few weeks ago my original client asked my employer if I could come back.  After some discussion, I agreed.  The client no longer has the capability for remote access, so I have to work out of the client's office.

 I like being in the city.  I like working in the city.

The commute, on the other hand...

It's not permanent, the project will end in June.  And next summer I will be back on Long Island full time. 

But for now... it's back to the Long Island Railroad...

And I’m sure I’ll have much to blog about.


  1. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? It sounds like a bit of both. Sorry about the commute. But at least it'll be a good project for you. Changes are fun, aren't they?

  2. It's good to be wanted, and I like working in the city. It's the commute I can do without.


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