Ethnic colonial history

This is what we found right next door to our hotel:

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Congregation Mikveh Israel dates back to 1740.  Drew was especially proud, the congregation was founded by Sephardic Jews and he is of Sephardic heritage.

The congregation honors Commodore Levy:

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Also honored is Haym Salomom, a Revolutionary War patriot.

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And there is also a monument to a hero of the raid on Entebbe, Jonathan Netanyahu. Yeah, that Netanyahu, brother of the current Prime Minister.

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And then we found another interesting statue a block away, in front of the Jewish museum.

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  1. I've done my DNA gentic ancestry as for my ethnicity groups and one of them I'm 7% Iberain Penicial.
    My sister law had her done and her came back as 2% Eastern Europe Jewish.
    Coffee is on


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