Another this and that

Lately I seem to have a knack for "closing" restaurants.  I reviewed Mara's Too, and it closed.  I reviewed Chow Down Diner.  And it closed.  I reviewed the Carnegie Deli.  And they got caught stealing gas from Con Ed, and they're closed "indefinitely ".  Maybe I should stay out of restaurants for awhile.

My term as a trustee of the synagogue expires in June, and I told the nominating committee that I am not interested in another term.  I've been on the Board since 2006, it's time to make way for someone else.  Besides, the time commitment...

I was tired of running around, doing what a trustee is expected to do....

So why did I move on to another project?   (Drew thinks I'm crazy to take this one on, by the way.)  There was an incident in our community a few weeks ago, some high school students posted photos of themselves wearing t-shirts emblazoned with swastikas and the word "Auschwitz".  Very disturbing.  The Rabbi at the Chabad wants to form a task force to address our concerns vis a vis the public schools.  Guess who joined the task force?  Not only that, I volunteered to take the minutes.

Jen has gotten more serious about job and career lately.  She's working on some professional development courses, and she's asking Drew for advice and help.  It' s good to see them working together.  I wish Becca would come around, she and Drew are still at odds.  Maybe for Mother's Day?

Drew is dealing with a lot right now.  His job, his health concerns, Marc. And now that he's handling Marvin's affairs, he's the one they call when Marvin has a health issue...

Drew didn't really want to do this, he kind of got pulled in because he wants what's best for Marvin. but Shelley doesn't see it that way.  She told Uncle Les "I may never speak to my brother again."  Sad, isn't it?

So I re-joined Weight Watchers, this time as an on line subscriber.  I'm having moderate success, it's hard getting back into the program.  The Fitbit is helping a lot, it makes me more accountable, I can't "fudge" exercise.

So I felt really cheated that day I ordered lunch from Panera.  I had enough points to be able to indulge in soup, salad and some of their yummy French bread.  But when I got back to my office, there was no bread in the bag!

It was a good night at T.G.I. Friday's, though.  Had a couple of gift cards that were burning a hole in my pocket, and those warm pretzels with beer cheese dip were calling my name. (Thank goodness for Weekly Points on Weight Watchers).

While we were sitting there, Drew noticed this poster.  How many errors can you spot?

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  1. Please do not review the New Floridian diner in Brooklyn. It's a favorite of my family. Alana -

  2. Alana, I've never heard of that diner and I'm seldom in Brooklyn, so I don't think that will be an issue.

  3. But if there's a place you think should close ... ;-)


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