the inexorable march of time

(cross posted at Midcentury Modern Moms)

so Becca's college prep continues...filling out the financial  aid forms, registering for classes, obtaining medical forms, getting her housing assignment and room mates...

it's not as intense for Jen, she's going into her junior year and already registered for classes, but there's prep for moving into her off-campus house, things to buy, arranging for utilities...

I should have a count down ticker .. a clock amrk off the days....

the days until each girl goes off to college...

and I have to deal with the empty nest.

time for a few changes, perhaps?  maybe it's time to get serious about the gym... volunteer for a political campaign....something else to fill my time?

nothing too drastic, of course.

not like my neighbors.....

they have two sons, one who is a college senior and one who is about to start his freshman year.  I found out last weekend that they just sold their house and bought a condo, and they're planning to move a week before the boys head off to school.

but still, I'm contemplating the possibilities....
