my children are driving (me crazy)

(cross posted at Midcentury Modern Moms)

So I successfully taught two daughters to drive.

Now I have two daughters who firmly believe "have car, will travel."

I'm sort of used to it with Jen.  shes had her license for two years now,  she got her car right after she passed the road test.  That first summer, she relished her new-found freedom, driving all over our community. She drove to work, she drove to the store, she drove to hang out with her friends.  Oh, my, did she hang out with her friends!  I spent many evenings waiting to hear the car pull up on the driveway, unable to sleep until I heard the car door slam.  We had many long discussions about what time was reasonable for a young lady to come home at night, especially on a weeknight when mom has to go to work in the morning.

Becca  got her license a few months ago, and got a car just a few weeks ago...and already she's starting to drive all over creation. She drives to school (she's a cool senior, you know), to work, and to hang out with friends.  Haven't had an issue yet about staying out late, but that's primarily because she has to be at school at 7:15 in the morning. I just can't wait to see what happens this summer!

I think my daughters appreciate why I worry.   Becca had a minor fender-bender one afternoon  a few weeks ago -- more scary than anything else.  Just some minor damage to the front fender, but she was shaken up enough that she called my mom to come down to the accident scene.   And then she got that flat tire on a Saturday night...and AAA left her out there for so long, her friend's dad finally came out and changed the tire himself...

And Jen had  an accident one night while driving home in the rain, she rear-ended an SUV, hard enough for her airbag to deploy.  She's fine, but the car...not so good.  I just "loved" getting that phone call, and having to pick her up after the car was towed.

But may I say "thank G-d for the airbag, there wasn't a scratch on her"?  Last month, her friend Joe was in an accident that put him in the hospital for almost a week....he's still dealing with the repercussions....

Can you see my hair turning grayer?


  1. Ah, the joys of limited public transportation options.

    It's what keeps the hair coloring companies in business!


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