it's all downhill from here

(cross posted at Midcentury Modern Moms)

Becca's senior year, that is.

In New York, the school year generally runs from just after Labor Day until the end of June, with graduation scheduled the last Sunday in June. On the high school level, the last two weeks of June are devoted to statewide subject matter tests called "regents exams" and/or school-prepared final exams in core subjects. In our school district, students are expected to finish all of their regents exams by the end of their junior year. In thier senior year students are expected to take six academic periods (we have a 9-period day) incluidng English and social Studies, as well as gym. The senior year can be academically challenging or as fluffy as cotton, depdning on which classes the student selects.

Becca has always been academically motivated. She took two Advanced Placement classes in her junior year -- US History and English Language. For her senior year she chose a challenging program which included four Advanced Placement classes -- US Government, English Literature, Statistics and Psycholgy. I hope she did well; a good score on these exams can translate into course credit at her college in the fall.

It's like taking four college-level classes that meet every day, and taking two electives as well. There were times when the workload was frustrating, to say the least.

The AP exams are given the first two weeks of May. So now she is essentially "done" with high school. she won't have any exams during the last two weeks of June. From now until her last day of classes (June 11) she can coast.

I am finding it hard to believe her high school days are winding down....that soon it will be prom and graduation and then off to college...

..and songbird's nest is already feeling a bit emptier....

...and I am thinking of the days when I used to post on message boards about my "chickadees"....

....the two grown up young ladies who inhabit my world cannot be mistaken for "chickadees" anymore....
