Mitzvah Day/Kristallnacht

today was Mitzvah Day at our synagogue.  It's a special day focused on doing mitzvahs....
we wrote greeting cards to be mailed to Israeli and American soldiers.  we  packed toiletry kits to be given to the homeless.  we made sandwiches for a soup kitchen.  we collected food for a food pantry and clothes for an outreach program.  we collected cell phones for recycling, the proceeds of which will be turned into phone cards for soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

why do w e do this?

tikkun olam.  repair of the world.

tonight we will commemorate Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken glass.  11/9/1938.  the beginning of the Shoah, the Holocaust.  when the world was truly broken.  tonight we will watch the movie Defiance, and then we will hear form a speaker -- Robert  Bielski, the son of Tuvia Bielski, a central figure in the movie.

may the goodness represented by Mitzvah Day overcome the darkness we see in Kristallnacht.


  1. I echo your sentiments, may all of your mitzvahs repair the world.


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