songbird salutes the 70's

Billy Joel's breakthrough album, released in 1977.

I was 17 years old. I bought this album and must have played it a thousand times.

The Stranger...Scenes From an Italian Restaurant....Movin' Out....


and that was the year I had a teacher who actually knew Billy Joel.

Seems my teacher was a graduate of Hicksville High School, attended that school at the same time as Billy was enrolled there. Barely knew him, though --- he would cut school to hang out in Oyster Bay or Cold Spring Harbor.

I was very impressed, of course.

though this was before I met my now-ex husband. he and his older sister also "knew" Billy -- they used to hang out in some candy shop in Hicksville back in the day...and billy would hang out there sometimes, too.

I suppose every Long Islander of a certain age has a Billy Joel story like this.

anyhow, Billy Joel became one of my favorites back then, and I am still a fan to this day.


  1. I LOVE BILLY JOEL!! When this song started playing as I came to your site I was thinking...RIGHT ON!! :)


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