Music Monday

 Today is my daughter Becca’s birthday!  

I’ll be honest, I looked at Billboard’s top songs for the year Becca was born and recognized only a few of those hits.  But let’s play the ones I do remember.





1992 was a very good year …



  1. Happy Birthday to Becca. What a great playlist and I knew and loved every one of these songs.

  2. Happy birthday, Becca. Nice collection of songs. I liked the Madonna one.
    (My latest post: UK Tour 06 - Beamish Museum)

  3. Happy Birthday to Becca! 🎉 I remember these tunes and especially like Madonna's. 👌
    Debbie @ The Doglady's Den

  4. Happy Birthday to your darling daughter! The years get away from us, don't they? After the birth of our first in 1988 I lost all track of music. I think it wasn't until the late 90s I began noticing new releases but even then many went right over my head. You pulled together a fun playlist to celebrate Becca's birthday. I hope her day is extraordinarily special. Thanks for joining the party and have a boogietastic week, dear friend!

  5. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter. Amazing that this music is over 30nyrs old. I think of the people who turned 30 or 32 in 1975 were listening to Led Zeppelin, the Doobie Bros, Chicago but, when they were born, the music then were the big bands and Doris Day.
    I enjoyed listening to all these pieces even I'm too

  6. Happy birthday, Becca! Love the playlist. It's just about everything that was good in '92...

  7. Happy birthday, Becca! I didn't pay much attention to the music of the early 90's for similar reasons to Cathy, but I knew most of these. I love I'm Too Sexy and songs like Baby Got Back which was in the same time period, I think. They are so much fun.


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