More from the neighborhood


A black cat on the cat highway, how appropriate for the season.

And our constant visitor is still around

It’s definitely an interesting neighborhood.

I loving the fall foliage.  We are reaching peak color, two weeks earlier than normal, due to the cool, dry weather.

Found a few more interesting houses. I love the wraparound porch.

Of course I made note of the Halloween decorations.

My yard is modest by comparison 

We have a little autumn color along the fence

I can’t wait to see what my neighbors do for. Christmas.


  1. Hopefully yours is not one of those neighborhoods where everyone comes to to see all the decorations.

    You should put out a "path" if the cats walk the same way every night. Call it the cat highway or some such, with signs...

  2. I can echo Liz on the neighborhood concern, especially if everyone is expected to have a beautifully holiday decorated yard. The only decorations we have are some front yard scarecrows stuck in our flower bed, a fake autumn leaf garland and a scarecrow on our front door.

  3. What a great mailbox wrap! That's a very unusual house with the stones on the walls. Looks quite dated.


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