Feline Friday —- Raw Chicken?

 So Moon Shadow has always been an interesting  cat.  Remember when she put an avocado in my bed ?Of course, that was when I lived in a one bedroom apartment, before Drew and I moved in together.

But still, nothing should surprise me …

Sunday morning, 6 AM.  I awoke to the sound of a cat trying to tear open a plastic bag. I asked Alexa to turn on the lights, to see Moon Shadow sitting on the bed with a bag of raw chicken breast.

Yes, a plastic freezer bag with a raw chicken breast. Completely defrosted, of course.  She actually tore a hole in the bag!

How did she get a package of chicken? 

What we figured out …

We have a freezer in the pantry.  Drew thinks he may have taken the chicken out of the freezer on Friday, while looking for something else, and forgot to put the chicken back into the freezer. Neither of us saw the chicken, but Shadow apparently found it …and dragged it upstairs to the bedroom.

And she looked a bit …peeved… when we took the chicken away from her.

She looks so innocent …

We have rules in this house.  One rule is “no paws on the table”.

She did this right in front of me.

That’s my laundry hamper.  She knocked it over and crawled inside.

So relaxed …

And yes, we do have another cat …

Duchess is peeved because Shadow ate from Duchess’ bowl.  Again.

Well, I did say I wanted a cat with personality…


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