Sunday Stealing




Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature 
originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every 
corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and
intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!


Stolen from Ned the Duck





Name Your Favorite…

    Place: Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida
    Color: purple
    Smell: roses
    Magazine: I don't have a favorite.  I occasionally read Good Housekeeping, Rachel Ray and 
                        Food Magazine
    Texture: velvet
    Thing to do when bored:   play with my iPad
    Precious stone: amethyst
    Animal: cat
    Time in history: Middle Ages and the  Renaissance
    Font: I don't have one
    Sound: purring
    Fruit:  pear
    Vegetable: Brussel sprouts
    Store/shop: Amazon
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been.
                    The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our 
                    political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my 
                    ignoranceis just as good as your knowledge.”  --Isaac Asimov
    Historical figure: Queen Elizabeth !
    Letter: R
    Memory: There are a few.  I'll just name one. Holding my newborn daughter in my arms for the very
                     first time.
    Dessert: cheesecake
    Candy: anything chocolate
    Restaurant: The Melting Pot
    Language: Spanish
    Thing to learn about:  I love history museums
    Thing about yourself: hmmm....I guess I'll say that I am easy going and adaptable.


  1. terrific! We have a lot in common... the quote is stunning. I read many Asimov books but haven't thought about him in a long time

  2. Purple velvet! That's so very ROYAL! No wonder you chose Queen Elizabeth I.

    I enjoyed your quote. My 21-year-old nephew and I were talking and he was amazed and delighted to read that the Kennedy's brought the Mona Lisa over here. It's French, after all, and we're 'Murican! Second, how high brow. He finds it hard to believe that there was ever a time that we thought elevating the arts was a good thing.

  3. I have never been to Disney. I almost wore my purple velvet sweater today but it isn't quite cold enough for it. :)

  4. Smiled when I saw your quote came from Isaac Asimov. I saw him give a talk, back in the early 1970's when I was in college. He was giving a talk, I think it may have been at Hunter College but not 100% sure. I didn't get to meet him but I still remember how entertaining a speaker he was. I've read a good number of his books over the years; both his science fiction and his history writings. Alana

  5. I love your quote! It's so on target.

  6. You don't have a favorite font? I have several. My first favorite will always be Gigi:, but when I couldn't find that, I found I also love Cherries Black: I know, I'm weird.

  7. I like the quote - is it true?





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