Music Monday

Leading up to Thanksgiving, today's theme is Songs that celebrate things we are thankful for

Well, the first thing about Thanksgiving is ... the food.

And more important, family

And friends

Especially a best friend

If you count your blessings

You realize how much you have to be thankful for


  1. Awesome playlist. We have more than Plenty to be Thankful For, with an endless choice of Food, Glorious Food. This week would be a great time to make a few phone calls thank people for being your friend, especially your best friend. Well played. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  2. Robin,

    Fantastic 'Thankful' playlist! I never grow tire of hearing "Count My Blessings Instead of Sheep". It's a beautiful sentiment and done so well. Bing Crosby's voice is pure gold! Thanks for being apart of the 4M dance floor, my dear. I hope you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving and thank you for being a friend. ;) XOXO

  3. Well, there ya go great pickins' my friend. For me I loves "We are Family"... I've got all my sistas in me. Great choice, and also Thankful.. Bing really makes the holidays come alive to me... how about you? Well, I'd like to wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving my dear friend. Thank you for being a friend, and throwing in Queen for the frosting. Saaaaweeeet! Bing always opens up the holidays in the best ways and yes, I have plenty to be thankful for and many blessings & yes, I have plenty to be thankful for. Many friends, children, grandchildren and yes great-grandchildren!!! hahaha HAPPY THANKSGIVING MY FRIEND....

  4. Oh, Bing Crosby. (swoon). I love his voice! And those songs are both such classics, as is "Thank You for Being a Friend". I actually had Sister Sledge on my post and changed my mind at the last minute so "Great Minds". I forgot about the Queen song, shame on me! We do have so much to be thankful for. Alana


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