Election Day

It's Election Day.  Here on Long Island our own elections tend to take a back seat to the NYC news.  The race for Mayor is a big deal.  All we have seen on the news lately has been the two candidates for Mayor.  The race isn't even close, but it has been interesting to watch.

I still use my mother's house  as my legal address, so I voted by absentee ballot. Lots of local offices on the ballot this year -- District Attorney, Sheriff, county legislators, Town Supervisors and council members,  judges for several courts. 

Drew took advantage of early voting.  In the county where Drew votes, the big races are County Executive and District Attorney. 

There are four propositions on the ballot, three of which  have the ability to shift the balance of power in the state government.

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know where I stand politically. But there will be no electioneering on the blog today.  I will simply urge you to find out what is on the ballot in your state, and go out and vote!


  1. No voting for us this year. (September's recall election was enough, I think.)

  2. I won't be partisan, either, except to note that the three propositions you mentioned all failed. I voted early and it was busy, which surprised me a little, but it also pleased me. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  3. I stop by after work and voted.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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