Saturday 9


Without You

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

 Without You (1972)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) Nilsson sings that he can't forget this evening. Did anything happen this evening (or last night, if you're answering during the day) that you expect you'll recall for a long time?

No, nothing spectacular.  We picked up fast food for dinner, watched Jeopardy! and Diners, Drive-in and Dives before ending the night with Bill Maher.

2) In the 1960s, he worked in a very "un-rock-star" job: computer programmer in a bank. Looking over your career, have you more often worked in or out of an office setting?

I've worked in an office setting for almost my entire life. Right now I work from home and I want to go back to an office.
3) He fibbed to get the job, telling the bank he'd graduated from high school when in reality, he was a drop out. Have you ever fudged a fact on your resume? 

4) The bank found out the truth but was so pleased with Nilsson's personality and performance they kept him on. Tell us about a friend or loved one's misbehavior that you have overlooked.

I did let my daughters get away with a lot more than I should have...but in hindsight  it didn't matter.  

5) Before finding success as a singer, Nilsson was a songwriter. He composed "Cuddly Toy," recorded by the Monkees. Do you have a favorite Monkees song?



6) In 1976 Nilsson married Una O'Keeffe. They met in a New York restaurant, where she was a waitress. He asked her about her accent -- she was from Dublin -- and a romance ensued. While the waitress and the rock star seemed like an unlikely couple, they remained together until his death in 1994 and had six children. Do you know how your parents (or grandparents) met?

My father was born in Brooklyn, NY.  He was drafted into the Army during WW II.  During basic training he met a guy from the Bronx.  They were the only two Jewish soldiers in their unit.  They even had the same last name but weren't related (it's a very common name).  They remained friends throughout their military service, and the friendship continued after the war.  My father spent a lot of time in the Bronx, and met his friend's entire family, including a young female cousin.   

Eventually my father began to date his friend's cousin.  Their first date was to Yankee Stadium, he took her to see DiMaggio play. That a Dodgers fan ventured into enemy territory ... they were married in 1959, and remained together until my father passed away 6 years ago.
7) Nilsson was a night owl and found he felt most creative late at night, right before he fell asleep. When are you at your best: morning, noon or night?

Afternoon, I think.  

8) In 1972, the year "Without You" was a hit, Alice Clark Browne made history as the first African American 
aerialist to perform with Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus. Did you ever attend the circus?

Many times.  
9) Random question -- Think about last week. Would you prefer this week to be more exciting, or more boring?

Last week was so boring...I could use a little excitement in my life.


  1. Oh, I loved that song in 1972 (I was in high school) and still love it! I enjoyed/enjoy a lot of his music. Me and My Arrow is another one, from the album The Point, with a fun video. My friends and I all wanted a dog named Arrow! Of course, no one can forget his Coconut!

  2. I give thank for those quite days.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. I love the story of how your parents met and so many things to come together. How nice your dad and his friend got to be related too. Joe DiMaggio too. Very cool. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  4. #1 - so who do you think? miyam bialik or ken jennings?

  5. Randy Scouse Git is a fun song. It took me forever to figure out it was about The Beatles! "The four kings of EMI are sitting stately on the floor ..." And the scat singing! Nicely done, Micky.

    As a Chicagoan, I get the Dodger(Mets)/Yankee thing. When I converted to another religion in my 30s, my grandma (the most devout Lutheran of our clan) told me it was OK with her, anything as long as I didn't start cheering for the White Sox.

  6. I dreamed of having an office job. The closest I get to an office nowadays is when they got too many subs and I have to help out in the main office. Well, that's not "nowadays". That's more before-times.

  7. Many people really want to get back to the office. Less distraction from their jobs is mostly what is said.
    Teens... you do your best.. they really struggle to grow up, especially now.
    Your father and mother meeting was so sweet.
    I started out a Methodist and became a Quaker as a teen.
    and, I looked up your song. What a gas! Catchy and cute.


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