Another this and that

 And Thursday finds me in a grumpy mood,

I’m not happy about the weather.  I really like autumn, but it seems like this year summer lingered through the entire month of October, and now it’s almost winter.  I don’t like winter.

Election Day was a major disappointment and I’m avoiding watching the news for a few days,

I don’t like working from home.  It’s fine for part of the week, but I need to be in the office at least some of the time.  But there are no plans to bring us back to the office right now, and I’m feeling frustrated.

And my stupid knees are starting to ache again.

Grumble, grumble, grumble.


  1. Hopefully by the time you read this things are looking better! I agree the weather went from summer to winter, other than the colors. Our election was just to decide if our county assessor would remain elected, or change to appointed, so nothing much. Unless you are the current elected assessor. I did see some disappointments in other states. Also some wins though. Next year will be the nail bitter.

  2. Hoping you have a better afternoon. The sun is shining! (sort of) which is always good here in the gloom zone. I like working from home - can't beat the commute. What I don't like is not being permitted into my office building, period (past the lobby). I might like to show up now and again! The election definitely didn't go the way many of us would have hoped. What I really don't like is the sudden cold. Thank you for allowing me to vent. Alana

  3. I remember being stuck at home. It was nice for a bit, but then I went a little stir crazy. It was nice to get out and walk (but that would be hard for you with your knees). Grumble away.


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