Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. July 5th is National Hawaii Day...have you ever been to Hawaii? Any desire to visit or make a return trip? Pineapple, mango, or guava...what's your pleasure? 

I would love to go to Hawai'i.  The closest I have come is the Polynesian Hotel at Walt Disney World in Florida, I'd love to see the real deal.   

Pineapple, definitely pineapple.

2. Last time you were 'thrown in at the deep end'? Explain. 

My current job.  I started this job the day my company started work from home due to the pandemic, so I had to teach myself a lot of the nuances that would normally be explained to me by coworkers.  Fortunately I have a lot of experience in my field, so I managed to swim not sink.

3. Sun, sea, sand, salt...your favorite when it comes to summer? 

Vitamin sea, please, with a side order of sand.

4. Bury your head in the sand, the sands of time, draw a line in the sand, pound sand, shifting sands...pick one and tell us how the phrase currently relates to your life in some way.

Burying your head in the sand.  If you ignore a problem it will go away.  That's how someone I know is dealing with an elderly parent's failing health.

5. On a scale of 1-10 (1 = make your own rules and 10=like a warden), how strict were your parents? If you're a parent where on the scale do you land? 

My parents were about an 8, I was closer to a 6.  

6. Insert your own random thought here.  


  1. Oh, gosh, I love musicals! :)

  2. I love a good musical!

  3. Yum on the pineapple. I like your vitamin C! Sorry about the person burying their head in the sand.

  4. Cute, vitamin "sea." Glad you have been able to navigate your job at home. There's been so many new adjustments this past year.

  5. How wonderful you were able to keep your head up above deep water... YOu msut be a spunky and resilient young woman! Very good! Thanks for your kind comment regard my deep end trauma... yes, unfortunately I am afraid that whole incident sort of put me in a frame of mnd that I was a victim and unto that end, I had several types of victimization in my life following. I seemed to be a victim magnet. But through it all I became an ovecomer, because God gave me His escape in every situation!!🥰

  6. Some people do indeed think that burying their head in the sand will make the problem go away. That is awesome that you were able to start a job right at the beginning of the pandemic and power through. Are you back in an office yet or still working from home?

  7. Good for you for dealing with your work situation. I like that vitamin Sea!

  8. That's the great thing about experience, you don't need your hand held when starting out. (Wait. I don't think that made sense.)

  9. If I have a chance, I would love to visit Hawaii. Yes, pineapple, sweet and juicy pineapples. Now under lockdown, we are not able to travel beyond 10km from our home.

  10. Starting a job at the beginning of the pandemic was challenging I'm sure. So glad you're doing well. I need a dose of Vitamin Sea right about now : ) Enjoy your weekend!


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