Sunday Stealing


Thursday Thunks


Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

Stolen from Thursday Thunks




1. Did you eat paste and/or glue as a child?


2. Look at the wall to your right, what is on it?

My closet door.

3. Do you put butter and/or salt on your popcorn?

Of course.

4. What does your favorite coffee cup look like?

5. Would you rather have a pet hippo or a pet elephant?

Elephants are much more intelligent, so if I had to pick one...

6. Toilet Paper - hard, soft, extra soft?

Extra soft

7. Have you ever rescued/taken in a stray animal?

Redford is the ginger, and his buddy is Mr. Kitty. Both are "self-rescued".  There's a pond near my mother's house, a lot of people have abandoned cats at the pond.  Mr. Kitty was a kitten when he walked from the pond to my mother's back yard.  He was 16 when he crossed the rainbow bridge.  Redford is 14 (we think), he showed up as a full grown tom.  

8. If you realize your house is on fire while you are using the bathroom, do you wipe or just run for the door? 

I have no way of answering that...I hope I never find out...

9. Now, if you only had $10 to buy one thing, what would it be?

Hmm...depends on what I need at the moment...

10. What’s your favorite type of potato? 


11. How long do you keep unmatched socks before you get rid of them... and how do you dispose of these socks?

As soon as I know for sure that I lost a sock, the other one goes in the garbage. 

12. What was the last thing you took a picture of?

My new Fitbit.


13. Do you use a cookbook?

Yes, sometimes.  I like The Joy of Cooking.  

14. Bottled or tap water?


15. Do you like pumpkin pie? Do you cheat and buy a premade one or do you make it from scratch? Heck, do you even make pumpkin pie at all?

Premade, of course.


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