Another this and that

 My neighbor’s pool is still very, very green.  I thought, "if he’s not going to shock it, he should cover it before the mosquitoes take over".  But apparently he decided to drain it.  All that effort for nothing.  But at least I don't live next to a swamp anymore.

Drew picked up a pass for the neighborhood pool.  Now I just need halfway decent weather …and maybe I’ll be able to get down to the beach soon, too …

We celebrated Becca’s birthday with a lovely brunch.  She insisted on bringing the new boyfriend.  I guess this is a serious relationship. They’re going to Walt Disney World next week.

Not to be outdone, Jen is headed to San Francisco to visit a friend.  I’m glad she’s going, she needs to enjoy herself.  

Drew and I are finalizing our road trip plans.  We’re headed to Maryland.  Lots of historic sites, lots of fun things to do.  I’m looking forward to it. We had a good time last year in Connecticut, despite all the COVID protocols, so this year should be even better …

Yes, the summer is starting to shape up nicely, isn’t it?


  1. Your neighbor has a pool, and he drains it! Oh, to have a pool... although when the temperatures are really hot, I don't like even going out to a pool.

  2. We were hoping to take an overnight trip today and I'm glad we didn't (I'm a weather wimp and "90 degrees and real humid with chance of even more thunderstorms" told me "maybe not". I guess that's the problem with partial retirement, I want conditions to be perfect and they never will be perfect! And now, my refrigerator apparently decided to quit this afternoon, proving you should never put things off. That's where my overnight trip money may be going if we can't figure out what happened. Hope you and your family fare well in your upcoming travels.

  3. It's good to get out, even if for a road trip with Covid protocols. Have a great trip. Happy birthday to Becca.

  4. Hope your daughter enjoy the bay area. I love to live there but it complete out of my budget.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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