parents' anniversary

So the Thai food was our celebratory dinner in honor of our parents.  My mom and dad have been married 55 years.

55 years, can you imagine that? 

It was a quiet evening at home, take-out food, cake from Dortoni's, nothing too elaborate.  Cozy.  Moments to relish.

Of course, the old stories were told.

How they were both teachers at the time.    How my dad lived on Long Island and my mom lived in the Bronx.  How they initially planned to marry in June and honeymoon in Europe.  How they chose to marry on Easter Sunday instead -- Easter was in March that year, but Passover was at the end of April -- and have a brief honeymoon in the Catskills, with the idea they'd go to Europe during the summer anyhow. 

That's not how things worked out.  I was born 11 months after they got married, so no trip to Europe that summer.  They didn't get to visit Europe until my dad retired. 

There are very few pictures of their wedding day.  My mother's cousin hired the photographer.  He was not a union member, and the unionized catering hall workers refused to work with a non union photographer.  Several months later my parents donned wedding attire to pose for their wedding album.  To this day my dad is upset about that.

55 years.  Amazing.
