MTV and Skins

My girls are in college, living away from home and choosing what televison shows they care to watch. 

Nevertheless, when I read Christina's blog today ...well, add my voice to those who are objecting to MTV and its show.


  1. Thanks! Like I said - normally not my style to censor anything in my house. I prefer talking to my kids about what might be out there. But really? That show (and it's website) are OUT THERE!

  2. Just because you can make a show like that doesn't mean you should.

    I am all in favor of putting the ultimate decision into the parent's hands -- I don't object to giving ratings to movies or music or whatever -- and I seldom censored what my girls listened to or wathced. but I think I'd be with you, blocking MTV just on principle, if mine were still in middle school or high school.


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