odds and ends

Had to make a presentation at work yesterday.  I think it went well.  My coworkers say I always present interesting and amusing cases.

Annual holiday party at the office today. We serve breakfast and entertain the kids with magicians, crafts and visits to Santa, and everyone goes home by lunchtime.  It's been a long time since i brought my kids to an office party....though Jen now has a once-a-year job as a cartoon character at someone else's office Christmas party. I am the mother of Minnie Mouse!

Why is it that the most macho-looking guys on the subway are the ones you want to tell to "man up"?  Those poles and handrails are there so people can hang on while the train is moving, not so that you can lean on them (and on my fingers) looking "cool" . 

Winter officially started on Tuesday, but I'm already "done" with cold weather ans snow.  Wish I had a Caribbean trip planned for this year, but alas....

My Avon lady gave me more of that great hand cream -- the cold weather is sucking the life out of my skin.

My brand new pink lipgloss exploded in my makeup bag yesterday....everything was pink and sticky....

Nothing is as exciting as a new tube of mascara and a new compact of eyeshadow when you're feeling drab ....

Missed the lunar eclipse the other night.  totality was around 3:00 in the morning.  I set my alarm for 2:30 but ...well, what seemed like a fun idea at 11 PM didn't appeal as much in the wee hours...looked out the window, saw the orange tinge to the sky but decided it wasn't worth the effort to put on a coat and go outside to look at the moon....

Finding out about Alan got me thinking about other people I haven't heard from/about in awhile.  Found out yesterday that Jen's celebrity friend, C.J., is not currently performing....his band, Push Play, broke up in April.  He's writing music for other acts right now....

Loving my nook...I've downloaded a lot of books, and love having my library so accessible.  right now I'm reading Eat, Pray, Love.  I did not like the Julia Roberts movie -- thought it was too long and dragged at times -- but after I saw the movie I got curious about the real Elizabeth Gilbert ....and I am enjoying the book more than I thought I would.

I think I finally got the hang of blogging, I look forward to writing every day.


  1. Aren't books almost always better than movie versions?

    Not saying movies are always BAD (though I've heard that EPL was pretty awful)...for instance I saw The Hours before I read it and I really loved the movie and once I read the book I thought the movie did justice to the feel of the story, but still there are always details that have to be removed due to time constraints.

    Sorry about the pink explosion :-)

  2. You are so right about the books! Sometimes the moive captures the book, sometimes not...One of the problems with the movie was that Julia roberts looked too perfect to be having all those issues, that we never got to see what was going on in her character's mind...


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