Holiday Stress - update

(cross posted at Midcentury Modern Moms)

So despite the pre-holiday meltdown and drama my sisters created, Jen and Becca and I had a great Thanksgiving lunch with Drew, and a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with my parents, family and friends.    I don't think it's a bad thing for two college girls to split their holiday between two sets of relatives, and I think my daughters enjoyed being with Drew's family no matter what they told their aunts. There was no drama at either  home Thursday, though my sisters...let's just say the weekend did not resemble Thursday at all....

Becca spent most of the weekend working!  The job she had at the mall last year -- well, she can work there anytime she wants, and she wound up taking shifts Wednesday, Friday (Black Friday shopping!), Saturday and Sunday.  Nice paycheck for that, I'm sure.    Considering that she doesn't work while at school, the money will come in handy.  Of course, she made time for her  social life -- or rather, her boyfriend...

Jen, on the other hand, spent her time taking care of chores - like servicing her car, going to the dentist, getting her hair done -- as well as catching up with her friends.  She doens't have a retail job around here, she's got a job at college, as a teaching assistant in an elementary school. 

I think Jen is starting to really understand why I ask her to call me after she drives back up to school, that there's a reason I ask her to check in when she gets back to school.  All weekend long I told her "It's not your driving that worries me, it's the morons on the road who scare me."  Sunday night, as she was driving back to school, she narrowly avoided an accident.  The car directly in front of her hit the car in front of him -- but thanks to her ABS brakes and a quick reaction time, Jen avoided hitting the other two cars.  She had to pull over to the side of the road to make sure her car was all right (and, I suspect, to regain her composure), but she drove away unscathed.  Must have been scary...

They just went back to school, but I am already missing my girls.  Tonight is the first night of Chanukah, and for the first time in their lives, neither of my daughters will be home for the holiday.  I sent them off to school with electric menorahs and lots of chocolate coins and dreidels, of course, but ...sigh....
