New Year introspection

I'm Jewish, so I get to do this twice...once at Rosh HaShanah and again for the secular New Year.

2008 didn't totally suck for me. of course, working for a company that received a government bailout certainly hasn't helped my cheery disposition, but even though I saw my stock drop from $50 a share to about $1.50...well,at least Istill have a job.

still beating myself up a little about weight...I lost 70 pounds in2006-2007 but gained back 40 in 2008...but I'm watching the "Biggest Loser" marathon today for inspiration.

kids are doing well. at lot of "lasts" for Jen in 2008, and a lot of "firsts" as she graduated from high school and started college. Becca celebrated her sweet 16 and refocused her direction in school.

my parents had a few health's going to be 82 next month...but they're doing well, all things considered.

the biggest change has been between me and Drew. we're rediscovering what we liked about each other before we hateed each other. it's a bit confusing for the girls, we've been separated/divorced since 1994, but I am glad to be back on good terms with him.

2009 should be fun and exciting. I am looking forward to the changes it will bring.
