Have car, will travel

I am trying to decide if letting Jen get her driver's license was the best thing I ever did...or the worst.

Bright and early on her 16th birthday, which also happened to be Election Day 2006, my firstborn child took that gigantic leap into adulthood and made her very first appearance at the DMV. There she got to experience, for the first time in her young life, the torture that I, an experienced driver, have known for all of my adult life. Paperwork...wait for your number to be called...more paperwork...she was photographed, she took a written test....and was handed a temporary learner's permit.

So now she was legally allowed to get behind the wheel of a car. That's when the fun really began!

Four days later she had her first fender-bender. She wanted to make a left turn...I saw a car coming from the opposite direction...but before my mouth could form the words "don't turn yet"...she did.

Well, at least the only thing that hurt ....was paying the repair bill. and the insurance premium.

So off she went to driver's ed.

And failed the road test.


Third time's the charm, right? She finally passed the road test last June, just days before her high school graduation.

I bought her a ten year old Chevy Cavalier.

And I never saw her again.

Well, that's not exactly true, she does come home when she needs money for gas.

She went off to college in September, and the car stayed home. she needed to learn how to take care of herself...I wasn't going to add the extra responsibility of a car.

Good thinking, mom.

You mean you're actually supposed to check the oil when the "check oil" light goes on? Good thing I drove her car and saw the light beofre the engine seized.

So now she's home for winter break...and driving all over creation...in the ice and snow.

No wonder my hair is turning gray.

And my younger daughter Becca starts driver's ed next month.

Parenting is not for the faint of heart.


  1. I'll send you the care package of wella and Ibuprofen!

  2. I'm so very afraid of when that day comes for me. SO AFRAID!!

  3. thanks, Suzanne, I need it.

    and Grandy...you will learn where the invisible brake pedal can be found. good luck when you get to this stage of life.


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