Wednesday HodgePodge

1. Saturday marks the first official day of summer! Whoohoo! Your favorite thing about the season?

Warm weather, spending time at the beach,,,

2. Love it!, labor of love, not for love or money, no love lost, love handles, love does, love-hate relationship, misery loves company, tough love, love will find a way...pick one and tell us how it applies to your life right now.

Love-hate relationship with working from home.  I miss the social aspects of being in an office.  But I really can't complain about the commute.

3. What's one thing currently causing you to seethe? One thing currently making you smile?

Seethe?  Politics.  Need I say more?

Smile?  Drew played a voice mail message Jen left for him...she sounds so much like her father sometimes.

4. Of the following to-dos found on a summer checklist (here) which three would definitely make your personal list of summer want-to-dos?

roast marshmallows over a fire, go berry or peach picking, dangle your feet off the end of a dock, sit on a porch swing, watch the sunset from a beach, nap in a hammock, go barefoot in the grass, collect seashells, play tennis, go fishing, build a sandcastle, catch fireflies, eat a soft serve ice cream cone, make a pitcher of Sangria, swim in a lake, stargaze, ride a bike, paddle a canoe or kayak, make a summer road trip, throw a frisbee

Do you make an actual list?

I don't make a list.  I sort of go with the flow.  Watch sunset from the beach, collect seashells, stargaze, and eat ice cream are on my list.  I love road trips, but probably won't go on one this year.

5. Thursday is National Splurge Day. What might you splurge on in order to celebrate?

I am saving my money for a big splurge when this virus is over.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Finally saw The Joker the other night.  Joaquin Phoenix was amazing in the role.  But the movie made me very, very uncomfortable.  Watching someone descend into madness...  DC Comics has gotten very, very dark,    I won't watch this one again.


  1. Politics? Nope, no need to say more. you know what you're going to splurge on?
    Have a great day!

  2. Politics says it all! I like your summer list, but I haven't been on the beach that often in my life. So never have I collected seashells. The pros and cons about working from home are definitely how I felt about it.

  3. Boy can I ever relate to #3! Have a great day and a fun summer :)

  4. Yes to number 3! Hope you enjoy your big splurge when you can finally get to it. I haven't seen The Joker yet. I am in two minds. Joaquim Phoenix would be amazing, I know, but as you say, it sounds VERY dark. Not sure if it is what I need at the moment. Might keep it light and fluffy for a while!

  5. No need to say more : ) I have a daughter getting married in the next few months, so probably no big splurges until we've got that organized. Ice cream will have to suffice.

  6. Yeah, I won't see The Joker for just that reason. But I'm picky that way.

  7. I didn't care for The Joker either, but I agree that Joaquin Phoenix was brilliant in the role.


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