Music Monday -- "J" songs

So today we are requested to post songs that begin with the letter "J".

Well, the weather has been summery, almost tropical.  So my first thought was to post a couple by Jimmy Buffett:

Now let's pick up the beat a bit with the Stones:

Some Ozark Mountain Daredevils:

Let's keep the party going with Rod Stewart:

Tommy Tutone:

And  close it out with Rick Springfield:

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  1. Good songs all, but my favorite is Jackie Blue!

  2. Robin,

    You have good songs here today that make me want to jump to my feet! "Jackie Blue" is full of good vibes. Have a boogietastic week, my dear. Stay safe and well!

  3. I think most of us had "Jesse's Girl," but you have some excellent choices here!

  4. Many of us picked the Stones (expected).

    Nice songs :)

  5. Jimmy Buffet, great way to start it off. Get them up & get them movin'! Woo Hoo! Now see... smack to the head.... why didn't I think of that one! Okay, that's one on Jackie Blue. Up next... oh yeah, & the phone no. with Jenny... too good! And ending up with Jessie I got your number. Great job! You have rocked the house! Have a great night my friend! Great fun!

  6. I loved all your selections this week! I came SO CLOSE to using "Jackie Blue" in my own post, but it was a cover, and I'm saving that for another post. "Jessie's Girl" - what a way to close out an amazing playlist!



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