Sick on vacation

 So we’re aboard the Constellation.  Had a great day yesterday, exploring the ship and planning our adventure.  We had dinner at one of the specialty restaurants, Le Petite Chef.  It’s very “French”.  It’s an interesting evening,  There’s a show — an animated chef is projected onto your plate, and he talks about food history, food as art, etc. 

The show last night featured Aaron Bonk, a comedic juggler.  We’d seen him perform at the Renaissance Faire and knew his show would be fun.  

And then …today …

Drew had breakfast in the buffet, then played trivia.  He had lunch at the buffet, and right now he’s taking a behind the scenes tour of the ship.  

And me?  I woke up sick, spent the better part of the day in bed.  But I’m feeling better now, and looking forward to dinner in the main dining room.


  1. Happy that you are feeling better. So much sickness going around right now. Alana

  2. Yikes, it's no fun to be sick on vacation. I'm glad you're feeling better.


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