More cat tails

First tale. I bought the keyboard protector to prevent Shadow from stepping all over my keyboard.  I posted photos of Shadow sitting on the keyboard protector.  So it was inevitable that Shadow decided she absolutely had to sit in the keyboard protector while I was in the middle of a Zoom call.  My teammates laughed. They think she’s adorable.

Second tale.  So when I was a little girl, we had a cat named Cinders.  Cinders was a black cat, with a single white spot on her throat.  She was a marvelous cat who graced us with her presence for 20 years.  Cinders really, really, really liked canned tuna.  Cinders could be sleeping under one of the beds upstairs, but if you took a can of tuna out of the pantry, she’d be standing next to you before the can hit the can opener.

Shadow is the spiritual descendant of Cinders.  My little omnivore has decided that her absolutely favorite food (at least for now) is canned tuna.  What a “surprise”.

Third tale.  I actually had to punish Shadow the other day.  I was busy at the stove/oven, and she kept trying to climb onto the stove.  I was so scared that she would hurt herself … I had to put her in the pet carrier.  I told her (yes, I talk to my cat) that I’m her mom and it’s my job to keep her safe.  Of course I let her out of the carrier as soon as she calmed down.

Fourth tale.  Shadow and Duchess went to the v-e-t today.  I took Shadow to Drew’s house, and then we took both cats to the veterinarian 

Duchess does not like to be confined in a carrier, and she let us know about it.  She let us know quite vocally.  She caterwauled the entire time she was in the carrier, from the moment we left Drew’s house until the moment the veterinary assistant opened the carrier door, and again from the moment she was placed back in the carrier after the vet finished his exam.  She was well behaved during the exam. She always is.

Shadow, on the other hand …she’s a good traveler, has no issue with being in the carrier.  But the poor thing was terrified during her exam.  Her tail grew to three times its normal size, and she was trembling, I’ve never seen her scared before.  She cooperated, but it was traumatic. 

She’s a healthy kitty, weighs 4 1/2 pounds (normal for 4 months old).  She was further traumatized today because she got her first vaccines.  

And I was traumatized when I got the bill — veterinary care isn’t cheap.

But our felines are worth it. 


  1. Cats have such individual personalities. I hope your cat and Drew's are good influences on each other when they visit each other. In the meantime, it's fun seeing co workers pets on Zoom calls. Peeks into the people they are outside of work. Alana

  2. My cat Rosie like sitting on computer tower.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Caterwauling is better than the alternative. My brother had a cat that would pee all over her carrier. (She has since passed on, sadly.)


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