Wednesday HodgePodge

1. Besides the flag, tell us about something red, something white and something blue from your weekend. 

We had a barbeque.  We used red, white and blue paper plates, cups and napkins. We also had fresh strawberries and blueberry pie, and the cheese we put on the burgers was white.

2. June is here and it's National Give A Bunch of Balloons Month. Who would you give a bunch to if you could? Tell us why. 

My downstairs neighbor has been going through a rough time, the balloons would cheer her up.

3. What are three adjectives you associate with the month of June? Something you're looking forward to this month?

Sunny, warm, summery.   My daughters and I are taking Drew out for a Father's Day brunch, to a  restaurant I've never tried before.  Becca says the place is on the water and has lovely views and great food.

4. Tell us about a time (besides the obvious Corona answer) when you felt stuck in second gear.

I was at a job for 12 years.  Getting laid off was the best thing that could have happened.  I found another job within a few weeks, with better working conditions and far more interesting work.

5. Sum up your May in fifteen words or less.

Transitional.  Things are starting to get back to pre-pandemic norms.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Memorial Day weekend was cold, rainy and miserable.  But things are starting to look brighter around here.


  1. Sweet to consider giving your neighbor some balloons to cheer her up! Father's day brunch sounds like fun! Happy June to you.

  2. We had fabulous weather all weekend, but I know my daughter in PA said they made chilli lol. It was in the 40's and rainy all weekend long. Balloons are a day brightener for sure, I don't care how old you are : )

  3. so glad things are beginning to look brighter!!

  4. Of course it would be balloon month. Balloons are a graduation staple. (They did a balloon thing for the 8th graders' drive thru promotion.)

  5. LOVE your answers. I think balloons would cheer anyone up. So glad you're liking your work much better now. Have a great day.

  6. Thank you for stopping over. That's a great example of red, white and blue. I like your three words. I'm glad that getting laid off worked out better for you. Have a nice weekend.


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