Saturday 9


Ain't That a Kick in the Head

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Ain't That a Kick in the Head (1960)

Unfamiliar with this song? Hear it here.

1) Dean Martin asks the musical question, "How lucky can one guy be?" Tell us about a time when you got a lucky break.

Hmmm....lucky?  Well, there was that time at  Disney World...I found $60 in the parking was late in the evening, no other cars around, and the money was just sitting next to my car...

2) This song was introduced in the original Ocean's 11 movie. Have you seen it, or the remake and its sequels?

I saw Ocean's 12.  Fun film.

3) All the Ocean's movies are about heists. Why do you suppose audiences enjoy watching caper films?

We all like a charming rogue.
4) Dean was born in Steubenville, OH. Though he seldom returned to his hometown, he kept Steubenville in his thoughts, regularly donating toys to area children hospitalized over the holidays. Who received the last gift you gave?

My mother, on Mother's Day.  We gave her several new cardigans --- she's always cold.
5) Dean was extremely claustrophobic and avoided elevators whenever possible -- and even when it wasn't. He was late for the first night of an engagement, even though he was staying at the hotel where he was performing, because he insisted on taking the stairs from his luxury suite to the showroom (18 flights). The hotel put him in a smaller, less prestigious room on a lower floor so he could more easily arrive on time for his own shows. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?

Yes, just once.  Probably in 1998 or 1999.  One of the "joys" of practicing law in NYC is that the city has outgrown conventional courthouses, and there are courtrooms all over the city.  I had business in a courtroom on the 14th floor of an old office building in Brooklyn. I finished my business and got into a crowded elevator.  The elevator got stuck between floors.  We pressed the button for the intercom, but no one answered.  So one of the attorneys took out his cell phone (a lot less common back then), called his secretary  and told her  to "call the maintenance people because the elevator is stuck again."

6) He and Frank Sinatra were great friends, but they had their differences. For example, Frank loved to party and Dean hated it. One of Sinatra's favorite stories was about how Dean got bored with a party in his own home and went up to his bedroom to watch TV. When the guests didn't take his hint and leave, Dean made an anonymous noise complaint to the police, who came over and broke up the party. When it comes to parties, are you more like Frank or Dean?

Sort of in-between.  I prefer smaller gatherings, where you can talk to everyone.

7) Dean Martin had a secret passion for comic books. He loved them, but was too embarrassed to buy them himself. What's your guilty pleasure?

One thing that  comes to mind is Survivor. I'm not a really big fan of reality TV, but for some reason I like this show.  Season 41 is in production right now...

8) In 1960, when this song was released, Princess Margaret married photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones. Their relationship began when he was commissioned to take her official portrait. Who took the most recent picture of you?

I took a selfie.

9) Random question (Not really so random, considering Dean Martin's reputation): Do you have a hangover remedy to recommend?

I have never needed a hangover remedy.  I don't get hung over.  Seriously.  I'm a lightweight when it comes to drinking, One drink and I am tipsy.  I can't handle more than 2-3 drinks before I fall asleep.  

But I do have a "hangover" story.  Drew and I went to visit Jen for Parents' Weekend during her freshman year of college.  We got to her dorm on Saturday morning to find that our daughter, one week shy of her 18th birthday, was clearly hung over.  She told us that she smelled like beer because someone spilled  beer on her at a party the previous night.  So I told her "Next time someone spills a beer on you at a party, when you come back to the dorm, take two Tylenol and drink a large glass of water before you go to bed."

The look on her face...


  1. Oh my goodness, your story for #9 is hilarious. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  2. Oh, that #9! I picked my daughter up for an appointment at high school once, and she smelled like weed. "Oh, there were girls in the bathroom smoking." She did learn she is allergic to it, which is an actual "thing." Later learned the lotion is great for nerve pain!

  3. I watch Survivor too and I have no idea why. I started watching it when it came on because it was a diversion after my mother passed away. And for some reason I continue to watch it.

  4. Ha! Laughing at your hungover daughter. We had a few moments like those with our kids, too. Like you said, the look on their faces...priceless!

  5. Has Jen ever admitted to that hangover? That was years ago now, right?


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