#skywatchfriday A day at the beach

Now that I live in the same zip code as Jones Beach, it's much easier to get down there for a few hours. I just get onto the Wantagh Parkway, head south, and ten minutes later...sun and sand.

So I headed that way Saturday.  Almost didn't make it.  There was a box turtle on the entrance ramp to the parkway.  Why would a box turtle want to crawl around on the highway anyhow?  Luckily I didn't hit the poor thing. Can you image the damage I would have done to my car if I'd hit it?  Not to mention, the damage to the turtle...

Anyhow, it was another glorious day at the beach.

I saw something interesting, a small  plane  carrying a banner.  I couldn't get my phone out fast enough to get him over the water, but when he circled back over the water tower, I was ready.

You can't really see what's written on the banner...it was a salute to the New York Islanders, our favorite hockey team... there was a playoff game that night.

As I was  walking back to my car I noticed two cars, parked side by side, each with diplomatic license plates.  I'm used to seeing such plates in NYC, of course, but at the beach?   I thought about taking pictures of the cars...but then, I thought that if the diplomats were Russian or Chinese or North Korean something like that, taking a photo might not be in my best interest ...

Anyhow, it was a delightful morning, the first of many that will happen this summer...



  1. Looks like you had beautiful weather.

  2. Airplane advertising seems so quaint... like something from the old days. But I see them at CA beaches as well, especially on holiday weekends.

  3. Oh, to be near a beach. We have lake beaches, but they aren't the same, and one of our county parks has been closed all spring due to an algae bloom. Beaches seem to bring out the airplane towed signs, too. Something that is antique but still effective. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  4. Greetings and Salutations! Banners flying behind a plane is so unusual today. Nice capture!


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