Yom Kippur

 The most solemn holiday on the Jewish calendar.

There was a time when my father, of blessed memory, would accompany me to synagogue on Yom Kippur.  And when the Cantor would sing Kol Nidre, a solemn prayer that ushers in the holy day, my father would critique the performance.

Cantors (like Rabbi's) have traditionally been men.

I wonder what he'd think of this Cantor?


  1. It is interesting to deal with fathers when women are moving into more traditionally male professions.

    1. My father supported women's rights, but as for religion...I don't know...

  2. Loved this post. I'm Catholic but I try to learn as much as I can about other faiths and keep them in my thoughts by lighting a candle or saying a prayer. - Thank you for sharing.


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