Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. The Hodgepodge lands on the second day of a brand new month. Tell us one thing you're looking forward to in September.

Weather is cooler, but not cold.  I like it. 

Usually I look forward to the Jewish holidays, but with quarantine still in place, I'm not sure how we will celebrate this year.

2. Do you enjoy browsing second-hand shops? Last thing you bought or 'inherited' second hand?

I'm not much of a shopper.  I do most of my shopping on line.  Haven't been in  a second hand store in a very long time.  

But I once bought a great dress in a vintage clothing store. It was a purple velvet cocktail dress.  I didn't have an occasion coming up but the dress was lovely.  By the time I had a reason to wear the dress, it no longer fit...

3. Something you had second thoughts about after committing to, purchasing, or posting/commenting  online?

Do I really need all four of those Halloween-themed t shirts?

4. What's a product or service you use that you'd rate as second to none?

Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi.  No other diet soft drink compares.

5. Something you do so often or that comes so naturally to you it's second nature ?

Drew says my iPad is in my hands so often it looks like it became part of me...

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Yesterday my employer announced that instead of having early dismissal Friday, the office would be closed on Friday.  A four day weekend!  Yay!


  1. I don't care for diet Pepsi products. I'm a diet Coke girl, but I used to love diet cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper. I don't know if they still make it, but they don't sell it around here any longer. That's a shame because it didn't taste like diet at all.

  2. Hurray for a four day weekend!
    Nope, you don't need all four Halloween t-shirts. LOL!

  3. Not sure what's going to become of Halloween this year.

  4. I don't drink soda anymore, but have never tried the diet wild cherry pepsi. It sounds good! I was always a diet coke girl. Maybe you could part with two shirts? Times are tough and if they bring you joy I'd hang wear them.

  5. A four day weekend! That's great. Too bad you don't have a picture of your cocktail dress to share with us. I recently bought clothes online, since I couldn't find ANYTHING at the store. I sent half back, but I'm happy with the half I kept.
    Laughter and Consistency

  6. Oh hooray for a long weekend. Happy September to you.

  7. Enjoy your long weekend. You can never have too many Halloween t-shirts. You've got all of October to wear them.

  8. I just saw jelly rings in the supermarket circular and was surprised but then remembered the Jewish holidays are coming. I love those and the marshmallow twists and macaroons that come in the can. I will have to see if I can work those into my WW points, LOL!
    Have a great four day weekend :)

  9. I chuckled about the purple dress. Isn't that just the way it goes. Lol. I'm not a shooter either. I much prefer shopping online than dealing with crowded stores or items not being in stock. Hope you're having a great weekend


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