Saturday 9


Frankie and Johnny

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!

Saturday 9: Frankie and Johnny (1966)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) When this record was initially released in 1966, it never cracked the Top 20. Critics were harsh, saying that Elvis had not kept up the times. How about you? Do you consider yourself up-to-date on today's music?

My musical taste seems to be stuck in the 60's, 70's and 80's.

2) The song is about a woman named Frankie and Johnny, the man who does her wrong. Who is the most recent person to do you wrong? (It doesn't have to be in romance; it could be the person who cut in front of you in line at the supermarket.)

Ever drive on Long Island?  I could write a book...

3) Elvis sings that Johnny cheated with "a chick named Nellie Bly." The real Nellie was an estimable woman, a pioneering 19th century journalist. Can you think of another song that mentions a real person?

4) This song was recorded for a movie by the same name. Elvis played a riverboat gambler. When did you last play a game of chance?

It's been awhile, I'm not sure how long...

5) Actor Harry Morgan had a supporting role in the movie. He's remembered as Officer Gannon on Dragnet and Col. Potter on M*A*S*H. Gannon was a good cop but could be particular about his food and surroundings. As a career soldier, Potter didn't mind roughing it every now and again. Which character are you more like: fussy Gannon or outdoorsy Potter?

I'm not really outdoorsy, but I am not very fussy about my environment or food, so I guess I'm more Potter than Gannon.

6) Elvis' leading lady was Donna Douglas. She filmed her part during her summer hiatus from TV's The Beverly Hillbillies. Have you ever had a summer job?

Several, actually.  Day camp counselor, parks department employee at the beach, and assembly line worker at Estee Lauder.

7) Though not remembered as an actor, Elvis was a bona fide movie star. In 1966, he was listed (with Paul Newman, Sean Connery, John Wayne and Richard Burton) as one of the world's biggest box office draws. Who starred in the last movie you watched?

I saw two different Spider Man movies, one with Tom Holland and one with Andrew Garfield.

8) In 1966, Lauren Bacall appeared on the cover of Time with the headline: "The Pleasures and Perils of Middle Age." She was 41 years old and starring in a hit Broadway play. In the article, she explained that in middle age, she had come to understand that "character and a sense of humor are the two things that will carry you through." Tell us about something you understand better or appreciate more today than you did when you were young.

I have reached the stage where I am responsible only for myself, and I  am more comfortable in my own skin and with my own company,  

9) Random question: Have you checked out Bud and Mimi's cool new meme, Monday Madness?

Looks interesting...


  1. Being comfortable in our own skins is likely the best thing that comes with age.

  2. Totally agree with #1 and great answer for #8 as well. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  3. Now why didn't *I* think if Alexander Hamilton???

  4. I immediately thought of "Candle in the Wind" because I was listening to an Elton John CD in my friend's car--but I've been singing "You'll Be Back" from Hamilton for days.

  5. I'm more like Potter, too. But the older I get, I just want to stay home. Loved your list of summer jobs, and Estee Lauder (makes big eyes) that would be lovely.
    Being comfortable in your own skin is a good place to find oneself.

  6. Did you get free perfume when you worked at Estee Lauder? I did a summer stint at Elizabeth Arden once and they gave employees free samples of things. I gave them all away and couldn't keep the job because I am allergic to fragrance.

  7. Frankie and Johnny... a murder ballad based on a true story ...,and%20was%20declared%20not%20guilty.

  8. I don't think I've seen that Elvis movie. I've seen several of his. They usually hit that sweet spot of entertaining but not too serious.


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