It’s electric!

 Lesson of the day. When you think you might have a problem that involves the electric company, call them.

A few weeks ago there was a bad storm here. Many people on Long Island lost electricity for days. We never lost power, but we did have an electric surge that did damage to some of our appliances. Ever since the storm, every time we used the microwave or washing machine Or whatever, the lights would flicker. We were afraid to use appliances without turning off the lights.  To tell the truth, it was scary.

We called the electric company last week. They were supposed to be here on Thursday. They didn’t show up until yesterday. I’m glad they came. The gentleman from the electric company told me that we had a very dangerous condition. Apparently we had no “neutral“. He didn’t explain to me what that was, but Google is my friend. Apparently a “neutral” is a line designed to return power to the source and to regulate voltage. No wonder everything was going haywire in this house. Google is my friend. Apparently a “neutral“ is a line designed to return power to the source and to regulate voltage. No wonder everything was going haywire in this house.

Now that it is repaired I won’t have to worry about power surges, at least until the next storm.


  1. Very good advice! If you aren't an electrician, don't mess with it! And, if it's the electric company's problem, let them fix it.

  2. Is that like a ground? I know you need a ground for the circuit to work. That does sound scary. Glad they got it fixed. (It sounds like the storm knocked out your neutral. Yikes.)

  3. Absolutely call an electrician if you think you're having electrical issues. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, TRY TO FIX IT YOURSELF UNLESS YOU'RE AN ELECTRICIAN!

    Mary and I have whole-house surge protection. Depending on your living situation (own/rent a house/apartment), you might want to look into it.


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