Wordless Wednesday

I love it when a friend drops in.


  1. Did that little cutie pie sing to you? Sometimes they do. So adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  2. Robin,

    Little feathered furriends are always a welcome sight! I miss having my bird feeder up for them to stop off for a few nibbles before flying off. That's one thing I will correct when we get moved. :)

  3. And stuck around for a while. Nice :)

  4. I love their morning songs. See them all the time. Unfortunately they are also carriers of West Nile, if we needed any more bad news today. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  5. Originally from Colorado, we don't see any Robins here in Central Florida. But we have red cardinals and a lot of other varieties of birds, so that's okay. You got some good shots of your Robin!


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